Thursday, March 20, 2014

Strep Throat

Pick up our first strep throat bug today :(  Picked Easton up from Leslie's and drove straight to urgent care only to find out we had to wait for an hour with a 102 temp.  Needless to say the wait was BRUTAL but he did great holding on to his KK and laying on my prego bump in those germ infested chairs.  It's the day before spring break starts so it looks like ours is going to start earlier than planned.

In less than 2 minutes the strep test came back positive.  Yikes.  Antibiotics for the next 10 days of break.  Not a good way to start our break!

Big Boy Bed

Well we have started the transition to our new big boy bed.  Moving out of the crib has been more difficult that Scott and I would have liked.  Easton went from sleeping from 7:30pm-7:30am every day to waking up a few times a night and knocking on his door..."Mom, open the do-or"

We have also started potty training during this time...MISTAKE!  Poor little guy has a lot going on right now and seems a little overwhelmed.  Little does he know (or understand) that in about 2 months he is going to be sharing mom with a new baby brother.  Lets hope this transition goes a little!

We have however had a few good nights of sleeping but the climbing out of bed still occasionally continues.