Saturday, November 10, 2012

Easton's First Hair Cut

Easton's First Hair Cut

Our little baby has turned into a little boy in no time! Everyday I enjoy looking at his sweet face and watching all the new things that he is learning to do.  Just recently he has learned to wave bye-bye, give high fives and dance! I love every second of watching him grow up.  Today Scott and I took him to get his first hair cut at Kidsnips by our house in Naperville.  We put him in a cute little car where he got to watch Mickey Mouse and get a hair cut! He did so well sitting still and getting his picture taken while she was cutting his hair.  It was so sad to see the long curls fall to the floor and the baby hair has now turned into little boy hair.  When we left he got to pick from a prize box, got his picture taken and a certificate with the date and hair in a zip lock bag attached to it.  I can't believe in two short months he will already be 1 years old.  I feel so blessed to have two boys in my life that I could spend every minute with!  I am loving every second of being a mom and wife!