Thursday, May 29, 2014

Colton Blake Fitzgerald

We welcomed another beautiful boy into our lives!  Colton Blake Fitzgerald weighing in at 7lbs and 10oz, 19 inches long and born at 1:16pm.  Being induced at 39 weeks was absolutely fabulous!!  Walked in showered and ready to Edwards Hospital in Naperville at 7:00am and Pit and IV started at 9:30am!  Baby by 1:16pm! Nurses were great and epidural worked fabulously.  Pushed 3 times and we a family of 4.  It was a great day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tubes and Adenoids

On April 18, 2014, also Good Friday, we headed to Edwards Hospital to get tubes put back in his ears and then took out his adenoids.
GiGi and Papa with with us and waited with mommy in the waiting room while Daddy held me when I woke up.  I had 2 orange popsicles and then got to go home.  I was really brave and did great! The doctor was surprised that I had 2 ear infections that day and I was so happy!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Strep Throat

Pick up our first strep throat bug today :(  Picked Easton up from Leslie's and drove straight to urgent care only to find out we had to wait for an hour with a 102 temp.  Needless to say the wait was BRUTAL but he did great holding on to his KK and laying on my prego bump in those germ infested chairs.  It's the day before spring break starts so it looks like ours is going to start earlier than planned.

In less than 2 minutes the strep test came back positive.  Yikes.  Antibiotics for the next 10 days of break.  Not a good way to start our break!

Big Boy Bed

Well we have started the transition to our new big boy bed.  Moving out of the crib has been more difficult that Scott and I would have liked.  Easton went from sleeping from 7:30pm-7:30am every day to waking up a few times a night and knocking on his door..."Mom, open the do-or"

We have also started potty training during this time...MISTAKE!  Poor little guy has a lot going on right now and seems a little overwhelmed.  Little does he know (or understand) that in about 2 months he is going to be sharing mom with a new baby brother.  Lets hope this transition goes a little!

We have however had a few good nights of sleeping but the climbing out of bed still occasionally continues.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tubes in Ears

Well this morning we went in for tubes in E's ears at Plainfield Surgery Center.  He was so happy when he woke up and only asked for milk a few times before they came to get him.  We brought his favorite blanket and of course, the football.  While waiting Scott let him watch Devin Hester's film and scoring touchdowns and he was enjoying that more than Baby Einstein.

He did great with the tubes and the blood draw to test for allergies. They even said he was a great candidate for tubes because of the thick fluid build up behind his ears.  Poor guy!   When they brought him back to us he was still asleep from the gas and when he started to wake up he cried for about 20 minutes and ate a few cheerios and drank some water.  I had never seen him cry so much  EVER!  He was still crying a little bit even when we put him in the car.  Finally when we got home he ate some watermelon, blueberries and pancakes and then slept till noon.  He laughs when we put the ear drops in his ears.  Now that it's behind us we can start our spring break!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Easton's First Hair Cut

Easton's First Hair Cut

Our little baby has turned into a little boy in no time! Everyday I enjoy looking at his sweet face and watching all the new things that he is learning to do.  Just recently he has learned to wave bye-bye, give high fives and dance! I love every second of watching him grow up.  Today Scott and I took him to get his first hair cut at Kidsnips by our house in Naperville.  We put him in a cute little car where he got to watch Mickey Mouse and get a hair cut! He did so well sitting still and getting his picture taken while she was cutting his hair.  It was so sad to see the long curls fall to the floor and the baby hair has now turned into little boy hair.  When we left he got to pick from a prize box, got his picture taken and a certificate with the date and hair in a zip lock bag attached to it.  I can't believe in two short months he will already be 1 years old.  I feel so blessed to have two boys in my life that I could spend every minute with!  I am loving every second of being a mom and wife!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Easton's First Tooth

6/28/2012 no one tells you that a child cutting a tooth is miserable.  Or maybe they did and I just didn't listen.  I have never seen so much drool and snot in all my life.  I have resorted to the boogie wipes which I thought I'd never buy but this poor kids nose will not stop running.  I feel SO bad for him as he puts everything in his mouth.  He went from sleeping through the night to getting up one or two times sneezing or coughing on the snot he is swallowing.  Then once he is up he realizes he is hungry and then of course wants his diaper changed as well.  So we are rotating Tylenol and 8 hour Advil to keep him comfortable.  He loves the frozen wash rags and just chewing on our fingers or clothes.  We also use oral jel between meds to try and keep him comfortable as well as the humidifier and Vick's plug in and vapor rub on chest, nose and feet.  Yes feet...the neighbor let me know that it's an old wives tale to put it on their feet but at this point anything that will help I'm willing to try.  I feel so bad for this little monkey and looking at his puffy red eyes makes me so sad for him.  Thank goodness we don't remember what it feels like to cut teeth because it sure does look uncomfortable.