Monday, July 2, 2012

Easton's First Tooth

6/28/2012 no one tells you that a child cutting a tooth is miserable.  Or maybe they did and I just didn't listen.  I have never seen so much drool and snot in all my life.  I have resorted to the boogie wipes which I thought I'd never buy but this poor kids nose will not stop running.  I feel SO bad for him as he puts everything in his mouth.  He went from sleeping through the night to getting up one or two times sneezing or coughing on the snot he is swallowing.  Then once he is up he realizes he is hungry and then of course wants his diaper changed as well.  So we are rotating Tylenol and 8 hour Advil to keep him comfortable.  He loves the frozen wash rags and just chewing on our fingers or clothes.  We also use oral jel between meds to try and keep him comfortable as well as the humidifier and Vick's plug in and vapor rub on chest, nose and feet.  Yes feet...the neighbor let me know that it's an old wives tale to put it on their feet but at this point anything that will help I'm willing to try.  I feel so bad for this little monkey and looking at his puffy red eyes makes me so sad for him.  Thank goodness we don't remember what it feels like to cut teeth because it sure does look uncomfortable.

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